Battery Finder
April 8th, 2016Lenovo recently made it much more difficult than it needed to be to find a battery for one of their laptops. I had the computer model, serial number, and the part number from the old battery. What I found out was that the technical part numbers associated with the computer itself and located on the battery will not help you purchase a battery. You need the marketing part numbers for them.

Zen and the Art of Smartwatch Tech Support
April 8th, 2016So a while back I bought a watch that didn’t fit. Here is my quest to get extra links for the watch. The email starts to get good after the first one. I always try to start out being reasonable.

Memento Mori
May 12th, 2015Work, people, TV, books – these are the things that fill time.
Winston is alive, not writing, feeling nothing.

Untitled WIP
December 7th, 2014The lights dimmed again. They were always blinking in and out or wearing down like an abandoned campfire. He always thought his life would be more glamorous than this. Even a few years ago he still thought there was something important ahead of him. They never told him that everything extraordinary he wanted would fade into the background and wilt into something like the petty nagging of poor lighting. It wasn’t just the lighting though, their electrical systems were all in a state of decay. On any given day, it was a crapshoot what would work correctly. One day it’s the computers that glitch and go down while he has to sit and wait for the automatic repairs to finish. Another he might find the refrigerator has already thawed out his frozen breakfast and have to go through it all checking to see if anything spoiled. The microwave was the worst part of the kitchen, blowing the fuse at least once a day. He was so used to things not working that it was remarkable when a day passed without beating on an appliance or turning a breaker. But even on these rare days, he would still see the dimming of the lights.
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Burning Out Together
November 30th, 20141
Adam is speeding down interstate 114 in his two-tone Dodge Dart, and his shoulder is killing him. The car’s powder-blue paintjob gives way a little more to the encroaching rust every year. The hood and roof look like a copper penny shoved through the center of a robin’s egg as it shakes it’s way down the road. The sun is setting, and he can barely make out the Lakeview exit for the glare. His normally slick and slightly curled hair is matte and dirty with the same blood covering his cheek and neck. His bed-head hairstyle is much more literal, resting on his face like James Dean wearing a mophead as a hat. His eyes are burning sapphire on the road as he snorts, taps the brake and forces the wheel to the right with his lip curling from the pain of the gunshot wound. As he squints to check for traffic, he sees Jenny’s ring on a chain around the mirror. He wishes he’d never gotten her involved in all this again, and he hopes he can get her out this time. His right foot hits the floor, and pain be damned, he spins out around the corner racing down the street.
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It’s Not For Me
November 29th, 2014“To new beginnings?”
“To new beginnings,” she said.
I wasn’t sure when we spoke the words, and now the weight of that unknowing is the ballast in my gut.
“I love you,” I said.
“I love you, too.”
But did she? Did she really?
I awoke to the diddle of a text; my blurred vision struggling with the electronic luminescence of the screen. There she was, in the top left corner among the widgets and hieroglyphs describing the phone’s current condition: the time, three bars of service, WiFi connection, battery charging and Jessie. I pulled out the charger cable and brought the phone back to bed. Dragging my finger down the screen, I saw the message:
“I can’t sleep.”
“What’s up?”
“My brain is just racing, and I feel terrible. I don’t know if I want to talk about it.”
“Alright, is there anything I can do to help?”
“I just don’t want to hurt you.”
There we go. I sat up in bed and grabbed my cigarettes from the nightstand. The clock burned a red “2:32” in my vision like a warning. I was well aware of every passing second as I felt for the lighter, formed a cautious response in the back of my head, prepared for the worst and lit the cigarette. The flame was brighter yet, and it hurt watching to make sure the damn thing lit. I took a long moment to inhale before pressing my thumb to the screen.
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November 26th, 2014Winter is here again, and I don’t think I’ve finished writing anything I don’t hate in two years. There will be something here in prose before this year is over or I’m just going to shut it all down and figure out how reality television works. Been reading all of the William Gibson books. Currently reading the new Nicola Barker and watching all of The X-Files. I’m figuring out that aside from the odd joke, I don’t know how to social media anymore. I’m staying indoors more and more. Places with people are keeping me away. I need to get out of here.
Need to get moving and do the damn work.