Traditional Sunday Morning – Comic Strips, Gecko Sex and The Doors
July 27th, 2014I’ve been listening to Strange Days and eating leftover pizza while waiting for the coffee to finish. I decided for a while to plug in to the Internet and catch up on some friend’s blogs, Twitter, etc. I realize that I haven’t sat down and put my thoughts into paragraph form in a while, and I think maybe I just don’t have the energy for anecdotes or witticisms more than 140 characters. My daily Internet usage has been whittled down to Twitter, Instagram, web comics, work stuff and whatever I decide I need to look up at any given moment. I suppose it makes sense then that my contributions to the Internet have been Tweets, Instagrams and a new endeavor in cartooning.
Snail Sez started as a sticker idea Ugis showed me that quickly turned into an instant gratification cartoon about a week ago. I’ve been thinking about cartooning a lot, but with my ability to only draw Hitler and cocks, I felt it was best to work on something mostly digital. The snail’s empty word bubble was so you could write whatever you wanted on a sticker and put it somewhere. So we dumped some funny, witty, angry or confusing thoughts into his bubble and threw up a Tumblr. In a few hours we have a thing that will update itself daily around midnight-thirty.
It’s the first in what I hope will be a few more comic strips from our dynamic duo. He is working on some art for a little comic I’m putting together that may or may not work. I already had quite a bit of respect for people like Bill Watterson, but I am really in awe of Calvin and Hobbes while trying to figure out the most effective way to write for a short 3-strip cartoon. It’s amazing how much character and wit he was able to consistently add to those three panels.
Anyway, I’ve also been working out thoughts on web design and a way to aggregate all of the one-off or weird projects that Ugis and I get up to and also archive our old work. I think we’re content to use Ulterior Porpoises as the moniker, and you can see my crappy beta button thrashing at UlteriorPorpoises.com which is still very much a work in progress. Only the home page is up because I can’t settle on a theme and have a habit of making things worse while trying to accomplish a specific thing.
Thanks to Warren Ellis via Twitter, I know that the Russians lost control of a gecko-sex satellite and then regained control about twenty minutes after I found out. Jim Morrison’s voice fits nicely over the Sunday palette, and in the middle of it all I can only think of one thing: