Sign of the Times
January 25th, 2010The whole fucking world has lost its God-damned mind. The military a-la DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is currently perfecting unmanned, aerial vehicles or UAVs to drop bombs and carry out missions of destruction in areas that are too dangerous to send flesh-and-blood troops because when those bastards die, people pay attention. These technological, stygian, deathcraft are capable of killing, maiming and setting ablaze as many poor, brown people as the U.S. government deems necessary in a matter of hours from the wiggle of arcadesque joysticks. Lockheed, Boeing – the big names are all signed up for lucrative contracts making bits of these killer, robot drones so the long arm of imperial law can slither into the third-world rectum.
As if that wasn’t enough, DARPA also intends to build megawatt laser cannons that can intercept missiles or melt enemy soldiers into gooey piles of I-Can’t-Believe-They-Aren’t-Butter. These future-fucked assholes have watched too many James Cameron movies and are so brazen that they want to mount these eye-burning, super-lasers on God-damn jets. If you make the leap of technological gadgetry that has given us a portable telephone that plays television and browses Internet porn, you can see how this sci-fi ejaculation could be mounted on an unmanned aircraft and used to make brown-people stew worldwide without waking some schmuck pilot from the barracks.
Apart from our global military objectives, the fucking economic arm of U.S. power doesn’t have one ounce of God-damn sense left. The answer to failing banks is to blindly shit money on them by the million. Find one person who can accept or justify the idea that a bank is broke, and I will show you a God-damned lunatic. If the banks are broke, then they are doing something fucking wrong. Why the fuck are we paying these brain-hollow, leech-snakes dick-loads of tax bullion so they can foreclose the homes of hapless saps that borrowed from the sub-prime pile? How can they expect people to pay for this shit again while we’re still paying for it in unemployment, food stamps, Medicare? People can’t afford to feed their fucking dogs anymore; let the God-damn banks starve a little.
It’s as if every fucking solution proposed by our politicians is predicated on the assumption that we need banks and dollars and health insurance. I don’t know about the average American, but dollars aren’t delicious and insurance doesn’t mend injuries. What I need is a warm place to sleep, some food, water and a God-damn doctor if I get sick. The whole lot of this American life is akin to worms writhing through corpse-cunt. We’re all lost, blind and something smells distinctly of death.
I feel like it used to be better. It can’t just be the onset of my increasing age because even kids are growing more cynical as the years go by. They are adrift in basins of insurmountable depression and anxiety that must mean those little fuckers are cognizant of the bleak burden and dead future we’ve left them. Right out of the womb, these bastards know there isn’t a God-damn thing left worth living for in this world. Soon a toddler’s first words will plead for euthanasia, and can you blame them? We pump them like dirty water through the rusty spigot of our public school system, and some people have the audacity to suggest making it even shittier by teaching them ludicrous bullshit like intelligent design. A person is now a parental success by comparison if their kid isn’t dead from drugs or suicide by sixteen.
There is a fatal lack of positive energy and positive thought in this day and age. It’s like happiness was some endangered species and modern life paved its native habitat years ago. The big, global companies pump .45 caliber rounds deep into happiness skulls every time they move a factory to some dank, third-world hellhole to pay those poor fuckers dimes on the dollar. It seems like if we stopped paying for ways to microwave these third-world bastards from above and started using that money to feed or clothe them, there might not be so God-damned many of them willing to strap bombs to their dicks or crash planes into buildings. We could also just probably stop actively fist-fucking their livelihood, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe somehow these people are evil and inhuman. Maybe they don’t want that same warm place filled with food, water and doctors, but I tend to think they do.
Oh well, we’re all fucked anyway. That’s what you wanted to know, right? You wondered why I was out here on the God-damn street corner. It’s because the world is run by throbbingly erect cocks searching for sleeping-spots deep in our rectums. If you pull the dick out, they come back with a fist. If you get the fist out, next up is the boot. You wouldn’t want to know what the Japanese consider the next logical step in all that progression. The bastards feed on the blood and feces of our everyday lives. And you know what? Every fucking one of us deserves it. Our parents never said one God-damned thing that could prepare us for this prostitution and pageantry, and we never got off our lazy asses to ask. We should have tried to see how things really work in this world, take it all apart and see what it is on the inside. We just sit and marvel at our awful lot and stare in stupor at the vessel of our destruction.
So yes, the reason, motherfucker, the excuse I have for being here in this one spot on the fucking street out of the myriad other locations I could be occupying at this very second, is the reason written very plainly on my sign in the language of our birth and homeland – the supposed greatest fucking country on this God-damned planet – and that reason, written in a dark, black, permanent, Sharpie marker is thus: “The end is near. Ragnarök is coming.”
Any questions?