December 29th, 2009I just went to download some free Dr. Zoltan, and part of the form to download it was a questionnaire with name, email, website, etc. Only there was an awesome question: “What Is Wrong With The Human Race?”
My Response: “Their brains have gotten big and filled with self-importance to the point where they are no longer part of a cohesive whole. They have now filled their big brains with rotting shit from the Walmarkets and singing, dancing, fucking, celebrity plastic-people. Instead of talking they text, instead of touching they fuck, instead of learning something they seek entertainment. It’s all short-form, naive escapism; we’ll all be filled with the Pepsicola cancer by 2020.”
I always appreciate random chances to be pessimistic.
Download the Zoltan here: http://www.drzoltan.com/files/contact.php